

Speed reading is an obtainable skill! 

I was amazed to Find out that speed reading is an obtainable skill! Sure, some people naturally read quicker than others, but it is likely that they are implementing these skills without even realizing it. I have learned that the impediments to my speed are subvocalization and reverting; last week I didn’t know what that even meant. However, I am now in training with Acceleread!

These are confessions of a (formerly) slow reader. How slow you ask? Before I started to train with Acceleread I read 300 words per minute, fairly average for an adult (check yours here!). One of my New Year’s goals was to read more books more quickly. Imagine how many books I could read if I could double my speed? Imagine how much time I could save reading the papers in the morning.

In the last week, I have already improved by 20% to 360 words per minute. Get your time back or just read more books! The app will allow you to 2 free lessons then you may continue for $4.99. This may be the greatest productivity value that exists!