

Choose from thousands of nonfiction books that are broken down to the key points.

Blinkist is an company (website and app) that summarizes non-fiction books to its essential elements called Blinks. Given the amount of superfluous information in most books, this is another huge time saver. The succinct writers at Blinkist have condensed thousands of nonfiction books into 2-minute key messages and 15-minute insight summaries.

Obviously this won’t work for fiction where literature is all about nuance, but it is a perfect solution for most non-fiction. They have Blinked thousands of books and continue to add more titles. If you haven’t already read last week’s Find The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo you can find it here and be done with the book in 15 minutes! Imagine reading 4 great books in the span of 1 hour, or possibly even reading 300 books in a year, and taking in the essential information! You can sign up for free and test drive for a few days; I liked it so much that I paid $49.99 for a one year unlimited subscription.