


An easy and beautiful way to create a memory palace for my family trips.

I have a short memory. I have a difficult time remembering where I went three Winter Breaks ago, let alone lunch last week. Maybe it is the good fortune of being very busy with adventurous activities, or maybe it was the concussions playing football; either way, activities start to blend together over time. I presume I am not alone. Therefore, I have been looking for an easy and beautiful way to create a memory palace for my family trips. Facebook and Instagram serve a function, but don’t capture the texture of a trip unless one is over posting (you know who you are). A journal or scrapbook requires too much effort, whether its saving scraps, printing pictures, and it never gets done (at least in our house). I want to introduce you to Bonjournal which bridges the simplicity of Facebook and the texture and detail of a journal/scrapbook. It is an app that allows you to capture a trip, one topic, story or day at a time. It is a very effective writing program and easily incorporates photos. I have tried other solutions and find this to be the most effective. You can even make your Bonjournal available to your friends and family so they can follow your trip in real time; no need to catch them up when the trip is over. I found myself taking more pictures with my phone and typing up the events of the day during the downtimes (on the plane, in a taxi, after ordering lunch, etc.). It also is capable of capturing all the events of a trip: restaurants, activities, moods, and feelings.