“Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.”
Hello, my name is Bryan, and I am addicted to finding new places and things that are great. I said it, I like to Find! I have spent my entire life hunting for diamonds in the rough. It probably started while visiting flea markets as a child and looking to stretch the utility of my meager allowance. It has extended into my professional life where I spend my days searching for distressed investment opportunities. This is what I do! Call it a hobby, possibly an obsession, but I like to find and uncover new (and old) places and things! I like to sink my teeth into discovering what differentiates them and makes them great. This is how and why the Loupe was born!
Everyone has people in their network who are finders. The Design Guru, the Foodie, The Health Nut, The Artist, The Healer, The World Traveller, The Techie, The Generalist, (the Billionaire and his Wife) ... they know their stuff, and you (me) care what/where/what they think about their respective specialty. Don't tell us everything, just tell us the very best!
As a member of the Loupe, you are now in my inner circle. I will share with you the benefit of my curiosity, my explorer roots, my love of the unknown, and my quest for answers. I hope that you too will consider yourself a finder and pass on to your knowledge to your Loupe!
Bryan V