
I miss my old Vespa. The best part of it was that I didn't have to treat it preciously. It was banged up from use, which made it that much more utilitarian. If I lost a mirror on a parked car, oh well. If someone knocked into it while parking in a tight spot, c'est la vie. Now, I have a shiny new Vespa, and I actually care about it again (ugh!). Therefore, in response to the attempted theft, I installed Monimoto, a smart tracker for motorcycles and bikes. This is a GPS-enabled device that sends you an alert if the vehicle/object is disrupted when the key FOB isn't present. It is a straightforward system that connects via GSM and would have warned me as strangers were manhandling my scooter. I'm not sure what I would have done, but I guess I could have at least called the cops on them. Turns out so far in 2020, 3641 motorcycles were stolen --- so, let's fight back with Monimoto! 

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