Livall Bling Helmet
Livall Bling Helmet
It's a perfect time to cycle outdoors with the seasons changing. Before you get on out there, you need the right gear to stay safe and protected. Sadly, most cyclists I know have been struck or know someone who has been struck by a car. And, not to be depressing, 75 percent of all fatal bike accidents in NYC involve a head injury. Therefore, without question, you need the right helmet and, of course, it should include the latest technology. This brought me to the almighty Livall Bling Helmet. It protects your noggin like most other helmets. It also has tail lights and turn signals at its rear to communicate to other cyclists and motorists where you're headed. The Livall Bling Helmet also has sensors that monitor for any sudden accelerations/decelerations (accidents) and automatically sends SOS alerts to your emergency contacts (Hi Mom). And if that wasn't enough, it includes a Bluetooth microphone and speaker so you can make calls, listen to your tunes (podcasts for me) without earbuds jammed into your ears. You're connected, you're safe and now you can roar as the King of the Road!