When I first came to New York, I would stop by my friends apartments unannounced. This is apparently something tried and trued New Yorkers would never do (as my city girl wife always says). I am not sure whether its viewed as an invasion of privacy, or simply not worth the time. Certainly in this uber connected world we live in, it really isn't necessary to stop by without a call, email, or even text. Nonetheless, the hottest app out there is Houseparty. For the record this was introduced to me by my kids, some of whom (one) will friend me. Essentially this app allows you to join a video conference with your friends, and quite possibly friends of friends. It is like just stopping by as you join a video call in progress or knock on the door to start a new one. It creates a Brady Bunch feel as all the participants video feeds are tiled on the screen. This app brings back that Midwestern ethos and keeps you in the Loupe (without leaving the house) on the biggest thing since Snapchat! Feel free to knock on my door and join my Houseparty!