Stand By Me


Finally, I had the opportunity to embark on a proper RV camping trip in Loretta. I went with fellow Louper Evan L. and our sons. It was an epic weekend for sure. But one of the most memorable activities was the least planned and organized. We bought rafts and drove to a random location up the river. We asked to park at a mechanics garage, had to walk over train tracks, and down an embankment to launch. This reminded me of my childhood and the classic coming of age movie Stand By Me. It was an adventure, something that rarely happens in the world my children inhabit. Typically this trip would have been booked online after a thorough review of touring companies; There would have been a safety presentation, signing of waivers, and plenty of protective gear. I acknowledge that this plan was suggested from someone we just met and may have gone awry at any point, but that is ok. Planning everything perfectly isn’t (always) necessary. It actually takes away from the fun and the actual life experience that awaits. I am not suggesting going over Niagara Falls in a barrel and hoping for the best, but rather taking measured risks and avoiding “perfection.” I think a contributing factor to the lack of resilience and sensitivity in this generation is that adversity and disappointment happen to other people, and that is my job as a parent. I think floating down the river on a barely safe raft, avoiding rocks and other lake debris, was spectacular. Call me if you want to know where!

This week's Loupe is about unrestricted behavior and some fun interpretations of its counterpart, restriction!

App, Travel, Web

It seems that no one is leaving the country this Summer, let alone getting on a plane. The primary mode of transportation is the car or similar. I have received countless calls from Urban warriors about the pro and cons of Class A RVs and road trips (feel free to drop me a line). But, I still maintain that the success of a trip on the road are the places in between. There are the historical to the weird to the fun to the silly. They are a constant reminder of all that is good/great in this country when you finally check out of the 24/7 hours news cycle. This app allows you to plot your trip and will provide you with recommendations of the places in between. They include the most popular sites, points of interest, attractions, culture, and much, much more. Be bold and explore more; stay in your hotel less! And yes, en route from NYC to Jackson Hole, we are hitting Punxatawney Phil's Burrow, the Jolly Green Giant statue in Minnesota, and Bessie the Cow in Janesville, Wisconsin; why wouldn't we???

Smart Cuffs

It seems like everyone in quarantine is focused on exercise. To quote one of our funniest Loupers, Susie C., people are going to emerge post-Covid one of three ways: a hunk, a chunk, or a drunk. This is for you aspirational hunks, and it is called Blood Flow Restriction Training. Sound scary, yes, but it's gaining a following. It was recommended to me by my Orthopedist to accelerate my rehabilitation activities for my knee. The idea is to maintain arterial inflow to the muscle while preventing venous occlusion. The benefits are enormous: increased muscle size, increased muscle strength, increased cardiovascular capacity, increased GH, IGF1 and maybe testosterone, and decreased joint/tissue stress. There is also little to no muscle damage, little to no recovery needed, little to no soreness or delayed onset muscular soreness (DOMS) and is low Intensity (resistance or cardio).

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so please consult a doctor before you jump in and strangle your muscles!


Is there no end to the self-exploration that occurs while in the throes coronavirus isolation? I started with Intermittent fasting, and it set me off on a decent trajectory for weight loss. Then some genius came up with OMAD --- One meal a day. It's like saying it goes to eleven, much better than merely going to ten. In this diet, you limit your eating to a single hour a day. The truth is that this is actually a decent meal budget for a road trip; otherwise, you keep eating (mostly crap) throughout the day. Of course, this meal has to be massive; why wouldn't it be? Who would do it otherwise? I first thought this was a joke, but it is trending in searches. Maybe it is a joke???

I hope to see you on the road soon, with no unnecessary restrictions/limits, and consider RoadtrippersSmart Cuffs, and OMAD Found!

Apps, HealthBryan VeronaComment