
This past weekend I visited an elderly woman in Manhattan (Sylvia) with my wife and two eldest daughters. We volunteered for this charity (Dorot, please email if interested) where the core concept is to relieve the elderly of social isolation. It seems that many people have been left behind, especially the elderly, despite the advances of the Internet and living in a large city. Incredibly, during our visit, not only did Sylvia feel more connected, but so did my iPhone dependent girls! We simply talked for one hour, uninterrupted ... imagine that!

The truth is that people connect over anything and everything including family, race, ethnicity, religion, politics, and more. For me, the most engaging connections include a hobby or special interest that transcends all of the above. In this week's Loupe, we explore some ways to belong!

Find Where You Belong

App, Website

Do you enjoy going to Museums and talking about art but none of your friends share that passion? How about playing soccer on weekends at first light (Hello Geezers!). MeetUp is an app/website where you can find people with a common interest. In fact, you can go as narrow as you like. If an affinity group doesn't already exist, then you can create your own. You can search by category (Art, Book Club, Sports to name a few) or you can check the calendar for meetups near where you are and find something that interests you. This is a perfect way to try things out, try people out, and meet new people that you wouldn't ordinarily come across. Hence, this is an ideal way to end your social isolation. This company was bought by WeWork in 2017, and hopefully, this will expand the opportunity to bring people together with similar interests or passions. 

Rev your Engines!

Classic Car Club
Pier 76, 408 12th Avenue New York, NY 10018

I am very interested in cars, though I would hardly call myself an enthusiast (yet). I continue to lust after cars I lusted after when I was a teenager, but haven't really acted upon those urges yet. Therefore, when I was introduced by fellow Louper Michelle S. to Classic Car Club, I was instantly intrigued. This car club has been around for 13 years and recently moved to a new and larger location at Pier 76, ironically next to the NYPD Tow Pound. This new spot has many more opportunities for social connection, as it will have a clubhouse with a bar and restaurant. One need not be a driver club member to join the club, only an interest in cars. Members may borrow cars, including Maclarens, Porsches, Ferarris, as well as classic vintage vehicles, for specific quantities of time depending upon their membership. Either way, the club hosts member events including Mechanics Class as well as Track days which will meet the needs of car enthusiasts. The club will be an engaging place to make connections through one's love of cars, with a convenient location on the west side highway (@36th Street) with captivating sunset views! 

In closing, an integral part of life is finding things that interest you and following your passions, however esoteric or universal they may be (food, art, cars, travel, indie film, dungeons & dragons ... you get my drift). So, get out there, start shmoozing, and consider MeetUp and Classic Car Club Found!