Not New York

G’day mates and welcome to the official start of Winter…unless you are in the Southern hemisphere (like me).

This week’s Find is the antithesis of New York City and maybe just what was needed. Admittedly, you will have to travel halfway across the world, around 12,000 miles, to get there. Once there, be prepared for empty space, natural beauty, the animal kingdom, and no wifi!

Kangaroo Island

This Week’s Find is Kangaroo Island. It is an island off of Southern Australia about the size of Long Island inhabited by only ~4,000; I think my square block in Manhattan has more than 4,000 people! There are no traffic lights and locals consider it gridlock when there are two cars on the same road.

Kangaroo Island is remote by all standards. We visited 5 airports before arriving. It is desolate and yet contains some of the most varied topography I’ve seen in one spot. It is the Bush, filled with plentiful wildlife, including kangaroos, wallabys, koalas, snakes (4 of the 10 most dangerous), birds, and more. It is the Wilderness, filled with backcountry that goes acres upon acres. It is the Beach, where there are beautiful deserted sands you reach after climbing through caves and canyons (there’s even a beach with hundreds of Australian Sea Lions). It is the sunrise, stand alone and breathe in the feeling of endless space.

With the varied landscapes, there’s adventure and fun with animal discoveries, sandsurfing, off roading, spelunking, and more.

If you’re after peace and tranquility, enjoy the exploration of wildlife and nature, and looking for a break from people and predators, consider Kangaroo Island Found. Enjoy your holidays and have a happy New Year. I look forward to Finding great things together in the New Year.