Rate Beer
When you want to find the very best beers, Ratebeer is the perfect place to start your search. You can search for beer by region, style, or even the brewery. Did you know that the oldest active brewery in New York State is C.H. Evans Brewing Company at the Albany Pump Station which dates back to 1786... revolutionary indeed! It looks like Goose Island (owned by decidedly non-crafty AB InBev) is making some of the best beers to come out of Illinois ... already on my shopping list. The number 1 rated beer right now is the Imperial Stout from Toppling Goliath Kentucky Brunch (also on my list)! This beer, if you can find it, retails for up to $1500 a bottle, and for their release party, there were over 80,000 people vying for 500 spots. The stout's unique makeup of coffee and maple syrup has 12 percent alcohol. Is this your thing? With over 20,000 rated beers if you know what style of beer you like (wheat ale for me), you can find the highest scoring ones (The Livery Bourbon Barrel Aged Wheat Trippelbock Weizen Bock). This is also a great place to cross reference the beers that Tavour sends out in their daily email blast. Bottoms up!