Juicy Juice.

I hope you had a great Spring Break for those of you who were away. For me, it was an incredible family road trip through Canada (bucket list worthy itinerary if anyone wants a copy). However, on a trip like that we naturally move from meal to meal. At breakfast, we are planning our activities around lunch. At lunch, we are planning activities around dinner. In addition, I found myself eating dessert at every meal, including breakfast! To be honest, I feel like crap. This is not sustainable (it’s my birthday) and I need to Find a way to get back on schedule!

Vitamix G-Series 780

As you know, the first thing you need to do to get in shape is to eat healthy. I am an advocate of fresh, local foods prepared without ingredients you can’t pronounce or aren’t sure what they are. In my opinion a perfect breakfast is fresh juice. If you live near a JuicePress consider yourself fortunate. If you don’t live near JuicePress, you need your own juicer. Since Juicero isn’t yet available outside of California, I want to introduce you to the Mac Daddy of Juicers … The Vitamix G-Series 780. This company has been making blenders for more than 90 years and they make the most durable (7 year warranty for parts and labor) and versatile (you can throw anything in there) blender in the market. After your coffee, what better way to start your day than a smoothie prepared fresh to your individual tastes. As an aside, it also makes great margaritas … enjoy!

If you are craving more info on juicers, really anything and everything you ever wanted to know, than you may want to look to Jenn for advice (Juicers).

Virtual Active

When I travel, I prefer to run outside to get a feel for the city I am in. However, when I am traveling and I either need a quick workout or if it is freezing out (like it is today) I head to the gym and get on the treadmill or elliptical. Virtual Active is an app (ideally for your iPad) that transports you to another place while you workout, other than the dingy basement gym you are most likely in. They have shot their videos in beautiful locations around the world including the Grand Canyon, Argentine Patagonia, Maui and more. The first couple are free and then you have to pay if you like it! The unique innovation is that it takes your pace as determined by your body movement and incorporates and coordinates it with the forward movement in the video. I recognize this is an interim step before you are wearing immersive, high definition, virtual reality goggles, but it is a good one and they will probably control the VR market when it arrives.

Get on the virtual road to a healthy lifestyle and consider Vitamix G-Series 780 and Virtual Active Found!